Monday, October 24, 2016

Part 1: Chapter Questions & Answers


Chapter 1
·        How does Orwell convey the atmosphere of Winston’s world?
·        Deliberately strikes discordant notes e.g. clock striking at 13 to show unfamiliar territory
·        Vast buildings, strange mottos, flags, unfamiliar terms, new names for old places
·        Uses evocative language e.g. vile, sordid, rotting and gritty to show the disagreeable nature of everyday life
·        What do we learn about the balance of power in this chapter?
·        Learn that ordinary citizens live in state of mental siege, as well as poor-socio-economic conditions
·        Controllers of world stand apart from rest of society
·        Glittering Ministry of Truth and ironically Victory Mansions

Chapter 2
·        What is the effect of the Parsons children clamouring to see the public hanging?
·        Reversion to medieval kind of barbarism creates a feeling of revulsion
·        Not normal for children to do this
·        Comment on the Ingsoc slogans.
·        Self-contradictory
·        Emphasise the power of the Party to dictate meaning to society

Chapter 3
·        What is the significance of the old couple in the air raid?
·        Demonstrate a deep feeling of grief- which Winston can relate to
·        Society has become desensitised and callous, although proles allowed greater freedom of expression
·        Read the description of doublethink and try to come up with your own definition.
·        Normal definition- the ability to hold and accept conflicting ideas simultaneously

Chapter 4
·        What is the main technique Winston uses to perform his tasks at work?
·        Party uses euphemisms to disguise the fact that history is being rewritten
·        A careful facade is being written
·        Why do you think Orwell provides such detail about Winston’s work?
·        He is showing us the basis and workings of propaganda
·        Convincing background to Winston’s awareness of the way society works

Chapter 5
·        Comment on the grouping of characters in this chapter?
·        Both Syme and Parsons are zealots, even though they are different in temperament and intellect
·        Represent the dangers for an individual such as Winston
·        One is a friend and the other a neighbour- but both would denounce him without a qualm
·        Ironic both are eventually arrested- helplessness of individuals
·        Why is there so much emphasis on the unattractive environment?
·        Description of canteen and other substandard aspects of life- ‘discomfort and dirt and scarcity’ (p.51)- contradict the lies about the improved standard of living coming from the telescreens

·        Descriptions quite memorable- make more obvious difference between the Outer Party lifestyle and that of Inner Party

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